Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve read through this website and still have questions, we have compiled a list of answers to our most common questions here.
If you can’t find the answer you’re seeking, Book a Consultation and we’ll cover it all with you.
You can also reach us via email or phone with the contact information at the bottom of this page.

How quickly can we start getting bookings?

With our Base Preparation - which includes a deep clean, staging, photography, and listing optimization - we can have your property live for bookings in about 2 weeks. The Elite Preparation depends on the amount of work required and the services selected. Design and furnishing are the most time-intensive.

Do we need to sign a contract?

When we service your property under our Hosting Operations, it does not obligate you to a long term. When we engage with you under our Leasing Agreement, the benefit to you is predictable income under contract.

Do we need to let the property be available to guests all the time?

We can limit the length of your booking window - though we usually recommend at least 90 days out. And you can always book personal stays for you and your family. If you want to stay at your property for a month or longer, we ask that you let us know so we can plan appropriately.

Are there certain items we need to provide for guests?

We have a complete list of recommended items to create a great guest experience. When we get started, we can provide that list to you for your procurement, or you can hire us to do the shopping for you.

What about consumables like toilet paper and kitchen supplies?

We check and replace all consumables as needed between each guest as part of our housekeeping service. The checklist of consumables specific to your property is part of our Hosting Operations.

How is the property kept secure?

We check and inspect your property before and after each guest. Our standard check-in/check-out process uses either a keypad lock or a key lockbox. Our Elite Preparation service includes Wi-Fi door locks and an exterior video camera.

How do you vet/screen potential guests?

We have specific guest requirements we implement on our listings. This makes it very difficult for a guest to book that does not meet these requirements. We also collect identification from each guest at booking.

What responsibilities do we have for the property?

You can handle all utilities and maintenance or we can handle everything for you - depending on our arrangement. We can work directly with your Internet service provider, utility companies, and all other maintenance professionals you need - such as yardwork, HVAC, pool/hot tub. Either way, we ensure all services are kept current.

Do we need to allow pets?

It is ultimately at your discretion. Should you choose to list as pet-friendly, guests who bring pets will be required to pay a non-refundable pet fee, and will also be covered by damage insurance or an additional cash damage deposit.

Is property damage covered?

Our housekeepers and maintenance professionals are trained to look for any signs of damage and to photograph it and report it immediately. If there is damage or breakage, we notify you, file a claim, and keep you updated throughout the process.

Do we need to carry any additional insurance?

We recommend you carry Short Term Vacation Rental Homeowners Insurance.

How do we get paid?

With our Hosting Operations, we provide you with a monthly financial statement that includes line-item breakdowns of reservation rental rates, any taxes, and our fee. Or under our Leasing Agreement, we pay your property rental rate just like any other (very good) tenant.


“Eric has great attention to detail and takes serious pride in his work. He is one of the most organized and tidy people I have ever worked with. I would highly recommend working with him.”

— Lisa H.

“The care and passion that Eric brings to his business endeavors is obvious and contagious. He elevates the experience of those around him and is a genuinely nice person. I fully trust Eric’s business to handle my property.”

— Matthew P.

“I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Eric on a personal level on many occasions. I would highly recommend his business for any and all of your professional needs. Eric has a real love for hospitality and culture. Eric is a stickler on who he allows to work in his business, so you can always count on his staff to do the same job he would do if he were there himself..”

— Kevin C.